
What Does Axolotl Look Like Animal A-z

Axolotl Facts

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"The axolotl is the rarest species of salamander."

Axolotls are often referred to as "Mexican walking fish," but they are actually amphibians that prefer to live their entire lives underwater. These remarkable creatures can regenerate almost every part of their bodies if necessary, including their spines, internal organs and even some parts of their brains. They accept a very unique appearance and are extremely popular every bit exotic pets, simply they can also be plant in captivity at zoos, laboratories and breeding facilities. There are nearly none of these creatures left in the wild.

Incredible Axolotl Facts

  • Axolotls can regenerate their limbs equally well as their spines, brains and most every other body part.
  • They exhibit neoteny, which means that they never outgrow their juvenile characteristics similar other salamanders. For case, they have both gills and lungs.
  • The name "axolotl" means "water monster."
  • They are normally called "Mexican walking fish" even though they are not fish at all.

Axolotl Scientific Name

The axolotl's scientific proper noun is Ambystoma mexicanum. In that location is some debate regarding the origin of the name, however. The genus was named by Johann Jakob von Tschudi in 1839, and he did not provide information regarding the derivation of the proper name.

Some believe that he meant for the name to be Amblystoma, which means "blunt oral fissure" and is derived from the Latin ambly, or "slow," and stoma, or "mouth." Because it'south unclear whether or not Tschudi fabricated an error, the genus name remains unchanged.

Axolotl Appearance

Axolotls tin have a multifariousness of different color variations. Normal axolotls are an olive-tan colour with gold speckles, merely there are genetic mutations that can cause different coloring. Leucistic axolotls display pale white or pinkish skin with blackness eyes. Albinos have vibrant gold skin and matching eyes. Axanthic types are gray with blackness eyes. And melanoids are solid black with no other coloring. In improver to these natural mutations, exotic pet breeders will also intentionally cross-breed certain variants to produce new and interesting color combinations for novelty purposes.

Male and female axolotls can grow to be up to 18 inches long, but the boilerplate size is typically around 9 inches. They can also weigh up to 8 ounces. They have broad, somewhat apartment heads with lidless eyes and sparse mouths that appear to exist smiling. They both accept three branched gills that protrude from either side of the caput, and they retain their larval dorsal fin throughout their lives. In improver, their limbs are pocket-size and underdeveloped, and they characteristic long, slender digits that resemble fingers.

In one case they achieve sexual maturity, both males and females are easy to tell apart. Males develop a large, swollen cloaca, and their tails typically grow longer. Females develop much wider bodies because they can bear anywhere from 300 to 1,000 eggs at a time.

An albino axolotl among rocks underwater
A half year one-time albino axolotl

Orizatriz / Creative Eatables

Axolotl Behavior

In general, axolotls are solitary creatures. They prefer not to interact with humans, and they live by themselves in the wild unless they are mating, often hiding amid plants and rocks at the bottom of the lakes in which they live.

Axolotl Habitat

Axolotls are native to the Valley of Mexico and can but be found in the Lake Xochimilco region. In the past, they could also be found in Lake Chalco, only every acre of land in that area is at present dry in guild to prevent flooding, so these creatures had to drift.

Despite the fact that they are part of the salamander family unit, they alive entirely in the water. The waters of Lake Xochimilco are unremarkably about 65 degrees Fahrenheit, which is correct at the border of the sixty-65 degree comfort zone that these creatures prefer to alive in. They can exist found at the bottom of the lake surrounded by plants and rock structures in which to hibernate.

Axolotl Population

Currently, the IUCN has currently listed the axolotl as a critically endangered species, and this means that they are on the brink of becoming extinct in the wild. The cost of Mexico Urban center'southward urban sprawl has caused a severe refuse in the population, and equally the demands of Mexico City have steadily increased, more of this creature's native surroundings in the Lake Xochimilco area has been drained or contaminated, and this habitat loss is a major contributing factor to their population decline.

Researchers are not sure exactly how many axolotls exist in the wild currently, just the almost optimistic estimate is in the hundreds. The most recent count showed fewer than 30 axolotls per acre in their natural habitat, so their numbers are incredibly low. They are bred extensively in captivity as pets and food, withal, and then their conservation condition is complicated.

Axolotl Diet

The axolotl is cannibal, and in the wild it will typically eat worms, crustaceans, small fish, molluscs, insects and insect larvae. The ones that live in captivity are unremarkably fed a nutrition that consists of salmon pellets, black worms, bloodworms, white worms and Daphnia. Anyone keeping one of these creatures equally a pet should exist sure to feed it a protein-rich diet in guild to go on information technology healthy. For a consummate list of foods axolotls consume, check out our "What Do Axolotls Consume?" page.

Axolotl Predators

Axolotls face a number of threats from both human and animal predators. Roasted axolotl is considered a effeminateness to many, and in that location are besides huge numbers of people who capture them to sell for profit.

The introduction of non-native species such as the Asian carp and African tilapia has also injure the wild axolotl population because these fish volition consume their young as well equally the pocket-size casualty that they survive on.

Axolotl Reproduction, Babies and Lifespan

In the wild, axolotls typically live upwards to 15 years. In captivity, their lifespan is usually longer, and they can live upward to 25 years. These creatures generally reach sexual maturity around xviii months. Some may have up to 24 months to achieve full maturity, but they are always still in their larval form when maturation happens.

Axolotls breed in tardily winter or early spring, and their mating rituals involve a courtship trip the light fantastic toe that relies on a combination of visual and chemical signals that allow the female to observe and insert the sperm capsules that the male deposits for her.

Females tin lay anywhere from 100 to one,000 eggs in a single spawning. Each egg is laid individually, and females prefer to lay their eggs on plants when possible. The eggs will hatch afterwards incubating for xiv days at 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and the larvae will begin eating inside their kickoff few hours of life. Baby axolotls will remain larvae even as they reach sexual maturity, that'due south because axolotls never leave their larvae stage! In fact, if you inject an axolotl with iodine it will force a metamorphosis that sees them lose their gills and turn into a type of salamander.

Axolotl parents practice not care for their larvae. In fact, they are non averse to eating their own eggs or their own babies. This is something that breeders and pet owners must carefully account for.

Keeping an Axolotl equally a Pet

Axolotls have become pop in the exotic pet merchandise. They tin make great pets, but be aware that they tin can be challenging for beginning pet owners who haven't previously cared for amphibians. Axolotls require big water tanks and relatively compatible water temperatures that accommodate their sensitive peel. Purchasing an axolotl generally costs near $20 to $70 but the existent expense will come from tank set-ups, keeping an axolotl fed, and potential vet check-ups. Keep in mind that axolotls can live over 10 years in captivity, and so purchasing 1 every bit a pet tin be a long-term commitment.

Axolotl in Zoos

There are many zoos across the United states that characteristic axolotl exhibits so that you tin encounter these fascinating creatures up close and learn more than about them. A few of the nearly well-known exhibits can be seen at the San Diego Zoo, the Lincoln Park Zoo and the Detroit Zoo.

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Ashley Haugen is a lifelong animate being lover and professional writer and editor. When she'due south not immersed in, she tin can exist institute hanging out with her dogs and birds.

Axolotl FAQs (Oftentimes Asked Questions)

Are axolotls good pets?

In full general, axolotls make skillful pets. They are resilient creatures that are cute, like shooting fish in a barrel to treat and interesting to watch. Their needs are fairly simple and straightforward, and they don't require expensive equipment or complicated care routines like many other exotic pets. The price of an axolotl is also fairly low, which makes it a good option for beginners.

Can you concord an axolotl?

Axolotls can be handled gently, but they should non exist held any longer than necessary. They prefer to be left alone every bit much as possible.

Can y'all accept an axolotl out of h2o?

You should never take an axolotl out of water longer than absolutely necessary because they cannot exhale. It'south okay to take them out of water for small tasks such as moving from 1 tank to another, only they should be kept in water equally much equally possible.

What is an axolotl?

Axolotls are amphibious creatures that are related to the tiger salamander. They are neotenic, which ways that they mature into adults without undergoing metamorphosis. This ways that they continue many of the juvenile features that other salamanders do not, such as gills and dorsal fins.

How exercise you pronounce axolotl?

The correct pronunciation of "axolotl" is ax-UH-lot-UHL. For additional assist, you may listen to the pronunciation here.

Are Axolotls herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?

Axolotls are Carnivores, significant they swallow other animals.

What Kingdom exercise Axolotls belong to?

Axolotls belong to the Kingdom Animalia.

What class do Axolotls vest to?

Axolotls belong to the class Amphibia.

What phylum to Axolotls belong to?

Axolotls belong to the phylum Chordata.

What family do Axolotls vest to?

Axolotls belong to the family Ambystomatidae.

What order do Axolotls belong to?

Axolotls belong to the gild Caudata.

What genus do Axolotls belong to?

Axolotls belong to the genus Ambystoma.

What blazon of covering do Axolotls take?

Axolotls are covered in Permeable skin.

In what type of habitat do Axolotls live?

Axolotls live in high altitude freshwater lakes.

What is the main prey for Axolotls?

Axolotls casualty on worms, insects, and mollusks.

What are some predators of Axolotls?

Predators of Axolotls include birds and fish.

What are some distinguishing features of Axolotls?

Axolotls take feathery gills and flattened heads.

How many babies do Axolotls have?

The average number of babies an Axolotl has is 500.

What is an interesting fact nearly Axolotls?

Axolotls are found only in one complex of lakes!

What is the scientific name for the Axolotl?

The scientific proper noun for the Axolotl is Ambystoma Mexicanum.

What is the lifespan of a Axolotl?

Axolotls can live for 10 to xx years.

How fast is an Axolotl?

An Axolotl can travel at speeds of upwards to 10 miles per 60 minutes.

How do Axolotls have babies?

Axolotls lay eggs.

How to say Axolotl in ...


Ambystoma mexicanum


Ambystoma mexicanum


Ambystoma meksykaƄska


Ambystoma mexicanum

  1. Zenodo, Available here:
  2. Aquarium Industries, Available here:
  3. National Geographic, Bachelor here:
  4., Bachelor hither:
  5. Erik Vance for Scientific American, Bachelor hither: https://world wide
  6. Dallas World Aquarium, Available hither:,laid%20individually%2C%20usually%20on%20plants
  7. , Available here: https://world wide


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