
Can You Sell Live Animals For Slaughter To Normal People

In the guide

  • Animal wellness
  • Animal welfare
  • Animate being feed
  • Authorities and enforcement

If y'all proceed livestock, the constabulary covers the health and well-being of your animals, every bit well equally beast feeding stuffs

Animal health controls protect y'all, your animals, the consumer and the livestock industry. The police sets out responsibilities for transport, disease, welfare, beast by-products and disposal of fallen stock, for example.

These rules employ whether you continue the animals for pleasure or for profit.

There are strict laws on brute feed also, which mostly use to farmed livestock. However, horses, pets, farmed fish, zoo and circus animals - as well as animals living in the wild - are besides covered.

Animal health

The constabulary helps prevent and trace the spread of disease by regulating the registration, identification and control on the movements of livestock. These rules apply to everyone that plays a function in animal health - this includes brute keepers, hauliers, marketplace operators and abattoirs.

In improver to the above legislation, there are controls on fallen stock, veterinary medicines and the slaughter and killing of livestock.

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Creature welfare

General rules make owners and keepers responsible for the welfare needs of all their animals. Detailed legislation and codes of do exist to protect animate being welfare on farms, in transit, at markets and at slaughter or killing. These include the demand:

  • for a suitable environment (place to alive)
  • for a suitable nutrition
  • to exhibit normal behaviour patterns
  • to be housed with, or apart from, other animals (if applicative)
  • to be protected from pain, injury, suffering and disease

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Fauna feed

Controls on animal feed protect human and animal health, and set out rules for traceability and documented controls within the feed chain. Other legal requirements that encompass brute feed - for example, labelling - are designed to assist buyers brand informed choices.

The rules on animal feed include:

  • feed hygiene
  • feed composition
  • measures relating to feed safety
  • GM-derived ingredients
  • imports and exports and associated official controls

Legal responsibilities employ beyond a range of beast species and types - from farmed animals and pets to those living freely in the wild. If you lot utilise, manufacture or sell creature feed, you lot must be registered or canonical, and must comply with standards that cover facilities, storage, personnel and tape-keeping.

In improver to these legal requirements, codes of practice and assurance scheme standards may besides use to you, depending upon your action and industry sector.

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Authorities and enforcement

Responsibleness for animal wellness and welfare lies with Defra (the Section for Surroundings, Food and Rural Affairs) and its equivalent agencies in Scotland and Wales. You tin change your location at the acme of the page if you want to search for guidance for a different area.

Enforcement of animal health and welfare legislation is split between these Defra agencies and local government, normally trading standards services. In practise, twenty-four hours-to-day responsibility for official controls is dissever between central and local government.

At local level the monitoring and enforcement of feed police is carried out by local authorities, usually trading standards services, and Defra agencies.

For more detailed information please see the In-depth Guides beneath. In one case you've finished, make certain y'all expect at the full range of Quick Guides to encounter whether there are any other areas of law that touch your business organisation.

Before you start
Make sure you choose your location using the driblet-down list at the top of the page. The In-depth Guides provide country-specific information every bit some laws are different in England, Scotland and Wales, and some are enforced differently

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In-depth guidance

This is a general guide and you may well demand to know more; take a wait below where we've listed our In-depth Guides on specific topics related to animals and agriculture

Agriculture & brute feed

Mixing feed on-farm

There are different requirements for the mixing of feeding stuffs on-subcontract, depending on the use of additives or premixtures

Fauna diseases & records


Understand more about anthrax and the implications of an outbreak for animals and humans

Bovine tuberculosis

The measures in place to reduce the risk of bovine tuberculosis, and the pre- and mail-movement testing of cattle as methods to prevent its spread

BSE testing of cattle

Sympathize more about how BSE is controlled in the Britain via testing of slaughtered and fallen cattle that run across sure criteria


Empathize the implications of rabies and the controls that are in place to prevent an outbreak in the Britain

Schmallenberg virus

Discover out more nearly this disease and the impact that information technology can have on livestock

Sheep scab

Sheep infected with sheep scab are required to be treated, and their movements are controlled by the local authority


Licensing of animal activities

Local authorities in England licence certain activities involving animals - such equally domestic dog breeding - and the relevant establishments relating to this

Identification & general ownership, including pets

Equus caballus passports

If you own a horse or any other blazon of equine you demand to know how to ensure your animal is identified with the right documents

Cattle identification

Understand the requirements for herd registration, tagging, passports and tape keeping for all keepers of cattle

Keeping & transport of livestock

Keeping pet pigs

Your duties if yous keep pigs equally pets, including identification requirements and motility records

The welfare of animals during send

If you send animals every bit part of your business, they must be fit for the journey and must non suffer unduly during it, and the ways of send must exist appropriate for the species concerned

Transporting horses past road

Horses' fitness for, and welfare during, journeys by road; plus other requirements, including the suitability of vehicles

Importing animals

There are particular requirements when moving animals between Great Uk and other countries; in this guide the requirements for importing are discussed

Exporting animals

In that location are detail requirements when moving animals between Cracking United kingdom and other countries; in this guide the requirements for exporting are discussed

Markets & brute gatherings

Fauna gatherings

The requirements at animal gatherings - such every bit livestock shows and markets - to reduce the risk of disease spreading

Calves at market

In guild for calves to be accustomed for sale at market, specific conditions must exist satisfied

Livestock markets

An overview of the key issues to exist mindful of at a livestock market, including the sale of animals and biosecurity

Slaughter & disposal

Deer carcase and offal disposal

In social club to reduce the risk of disease-spread there are strict requirements when disposing of deer carcases (both farmed and wild)

Abode slaughter of cattle

Specific procedures must be followed for the home slaughter of cattle for your own private consumption

Home slaughter of sheep

Specific procedures must be followed for the home slaughter of sheep for your ain private consumption

The nutrient chain

Disposal of surplus nutrient

Surplus food of animal origin must be disposed of safely to control the take chances of disease to both animals and humans

Food chain data

If you lot take animals to an abattoir you must supply nutrient chain data (FCI) earlier the animals can be accepted for slaughter


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